TOBI DESIGNERS is a multi-disciplinary design firm that attends to design, art direction and cool-hunting projects by  cross-cutting the fashion and the interior architecture sectors in a continuous, life-giving creative process.


TOBI is an acronym composed of the first syllable of its founders’ surnames (i.e. Totaro Francesco e Bicego Sandro)  a concise, linear sequence of letters which, better than a proper noun, tags the firm’s vision and work method.


Pragmatism, flexibility and aesthetic sensitivity are imprinted in the DNA of TOBI DESIGNERS and merge in a consulting service that, far from considering the client a mere recipient of a design proposal, puts him at the very core of the project.


In an aesthetic scenario where everything looks stackable, mixable and interchangeable, where one has to come to terms with such a large number of images and pixels that the eye is caught up in a sort of  estranging bulimia, TOBI DESIGNERS is glad to assist the client and trace for him an exclusive project line capable of sparkling around his unique, distinct personality.

© TOBI Designers 2021

P.IVA 03430760367