Often work dynamics do not allow us to care for the communicative aspect of our job as much as we would like to. We are aware, though, that in our job communication is the corollary of our concrete doing.
On account of this awareness and also of our wish to implement TOBIDESIGNERS’ storytelling, we have started collecting the material that now forms the layout of this page - a short but varied series of interviews and articles about us that have appeared in the press.
While thanking all the people who have believed and still trust in TOBI DESIGNERS, we would like to apologize with all those whom we were not able to include in this early assortment.
Special thanks to Emanuele Paracucchi, our historic partner in the shaping of our corporate identity and communication strategy, a great friend from Umbria, to Tobia Scurani, an indefatigable engineer and travel companion, to Carla Pianalto for attempting an English version of the text, to Alessadra Ianniello and Maurizio Montani for lending us their “photographer’s eye”.
© TOBI Designers 2021 · P.IVA 03430760367
DESIGN > paracucchiarmas.com